Department for regional geology, mineral resources and concessions for mineral resources

Department for regional geology, mineral resources and concessions for mineral resources is specialized in producing geological maps and plans of different scales and purposes, structural-tectonic maps, geomorphological, paleogeographic and other types of maps. In the field of mineral resources Department is specialized in the production of metallogenic, geochemical and other thematic maps, then for the design and execution of exploration of mineral raw materials, preparation of studies on reserves, metallic, non-metallic mineral raw materials and energy, the creation of complex geological bases for granting concessions for exploration and exploitation mineral resources.

The results of Department for regional geology, mineral resources and concessions for mineral resources include:

  • Basic Geological Map of the territory of Montenegro, 1: 100.000. Printed on 16 sheets, along with an interpreter.
  • Geological Map of Montenegro, 1: 200.000, published together with an interpreter.
  • Structural-tectonic map of Montenegro, 1: 200.000, manuscript, vectorised in preparation for printing.
  • Geomorphological map of Montenegro, 1: 200,000, manuscript, vectorised, prepared for printing.
  • Geochemical map of Montenegro, 1: 200,000, for the three media: brown sediment, soil and parent rock. A total of 5.300 samples of about 40 elements is analyzed. On the basis of these results Geochemical Atlas of Montenegro was made.
  • Geological map of Montenegro, 1: 50.000. Creation of new geological map of Montenegro on formacion principles, sheets: Titograd 3, Pljevlja 1 and Pljevlja 2.
  • Metallogenic map of Montenegro, 1: 200.000.
  • Map of mineral resources of Montenegro, 1: 200.000, manuscript.
  • A number of projects, studies, reports and exploration maps: mineral resources – red bauxite, lead, zinc, copper, mercury, iron, etc., non-metallic mineral raw materials – architectural-construction stone, technical stone, tufa, brick clay, cement marl, white bauxite, dolomite, barite, bentonite, quartz sand, gravel and sand, cherts and asbestos and energy raw materials: soft brown coal (lignite), brown coal, bituminous limestone and peat.

Based on the results of previous research in Montenegro today exist numerous mines of various mineral resources.