Abstracts should be prepared according to the instructions provided on the website page of the Geological Survey of Montenegro, in the section dedicated to the Congress. In addition to the instuctions, a practical example of what the abstract should look like is given. According to the organizer’s proposal the abstracts should be in English, also they can be in Montenegrin, or languages officially used in Montenegro. Texts must have proofreading. The authors are completely responsible for the content of their abstracts. Abstracts should contain 400-700 words. You can download detailed instructions for abstracts preparation on next link.
Web page for aplication of abstract.
Works (abstracts) should be sent no later than February 29th, 2020. Abstracts will be reviewed by members of the Scientific Committee. Only those abstracts whose authors have paid the participation fee will be published.
By submitting abstracts to the Scientific Committee and by paying a registration fee of 150 euro in accordance with the payment instructions given on the website page of the Geological Survey of Montenegro, in the section dedicated to the Congress, you become a participant of the Congress. Student registration fee is 30 euro. All monies amount are net amounts. The amount of bank transfers is paid by the registration fee payer. The Congress participants who do not have registered abstracts, can pay the stated registration amount fee on the spot of the venue.
The registration fee includes registration, a book of abstracts with accompanying congress materials, refreshments and lunch for the time of Congress duration on May 14th and 15th as well as a gala dinner on May 15th , 2020.
Bank account of Geological Survey of Montenegro (EUR):
525-6527-57 at Commercial Bank Joint Stock Company Budva.
IBAN – international account number of Geological Survey of Montenegro (EUR):
PIB 02011204302
PDV 30/31-02523-8
All additional information can be obtained by contacting persons via phone or e-mail:
Name and surname: Božica Jovanović
Tel. + 382 67 620 032
e-mail: bjovanovic.geo@gmail.com
Name and surname: Ivana Radošević
Tel. + 382 67 202 211
e-mail: ivanaraznatovic@live.com